
August 7, 2023

21700 Plug-in Battery Box: A Versatile Choice for DIY Enthusiasts

battery slots


The 21700 plug-in battery box offers a range of options, including single-cell, dual-cell, triple-cell, and quad-cell configurations. Compared to the popular 18650 batteries, the 21700 battery box boasts a higher power density. With a minimum capacity of 4500mAh for a single 21700 cell, it surpasses the typical 2500mAh capacity of an 18650 battery. In most usage scenarios, the 21700 battery outperforms its counterpart, making it an excellent choice for DIY enthusiasts. The plug-in design, equipped with a PCB circuit board, allows for seamless customization with protection boards or wiring for transforming it into a power bank. This DIY plug-in battery box offers exceptional flexibility, enabling users to explore and create unique electronic project ideas and various applications based on their expertise.

Benefits of the 21700 Plug-in Battery Box:

1.Greater Power Density: The 21700 battery box provides a higher power density, ensuring more efficient performance compared to 18650 batteries.

2.Higher Capacity: With a minimum 4500mAh capacity for a single 21700 cell, it offers longer-lasting power for a wide range of applications.

3.Versatile Applications: The 21700 battery box excels in diverse usage scenarios, making it ideal for powering various electronic devices.

4.Customizable Design: The plug-in design, coupled with the included PCB circuit board, allows users to tailor the battery box to their specific needs, including adding protection boards or connecting additional wiring.

5.Transform into a Power Bank: The 21700 battery box can be easily transformed into a power bank, providing on-the-go charging capabilities for smartphones, tablets, and other USB devices.


The 21700 plug-in battery box presents an optimal choice for DIY enthusiasts seeking versatile power solutions. Its higher power density and larger capacity offer superior performance compared to the widely used 18650 batteries. The customizable design, complemented by the included PCB circuit board, enables users to create unique electronic projects and explore various applications based on their expertise. Whether it’s powering portable devices or transforming it into a power bank, the 21700 battery box provides the flexibility needed for creative DIY projects. Embrace the possibilities and unleash your electronic project ideas with the 21700 plug-in battery box.

Battery holder
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